What content do you always look forward to creating and sharing?
I have always enjoyed creating lighthearted and humorous content, like our JET Easter egg post, as this helps connect with our audiences without losing the core message of the organisation. Continuing to create this style of content is great for increasing the reach and spreading awareness of the organisation.
Since joining UKAEA What was the most memorable content you have worked on?
The most memorable would be the first JET/Fusion energy record that was announced in 2022. Being able to see the world wide recognition and outreach across social media was fantastic to see, including the positive reaction we got from the royal family.
Is there any exciting content can we anticipate from UKAEA in the near future?
We're looking at developing exciting new content and expanding this across as many platforms as possible. In addition, we'll be looking at introducing podcasts as a way to bring fusion energy and UKAEA to as many people as possible. There are so many incredible people working at UKAEA, and in the wider fusion energy sector, that it makes sense to make the subject matter far more accessible to the general public. UKAEA, already a leader in this area, will continue to develop and evolve its' content output in order to stay at the forefront.
Can you introduce yourself and provide an overview of your role within UKAEA?
I’m Sam Ravansari and I have been in charge of social media at UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) over the last 3 years. We use social media to communicate and engage with external audiences to raise awareness of fusion energy and to promote projects from UKAEA.
Can you discuss the importance of UKAEA’s presence online?
It is important for UKAEA to have a proactive presence on social media because the organisation does a lot more than the name suggests, and social media allows us to communicate that to the world.
And what are some ways UKAEA uses social media to engage with the public?
Part of my job with social media is to educate people on what we do at UKAEA, and we have recently opened up the opportunity for people to submit questions. We endeavour to answer as many of them as possible by creating short videos shared across platforms. By continuing to create this content and engage with our audience, we are opening up two-way communication for more opportunities in the future.
In our interview with Sam Ravansari, our social media lead at the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), we delve into the world of social media and why it's important for the organisation.
What content do you always look forward to creating and sharing?
I have always enjoyed creating lighthearted and humorous content, like our JET Easter egg post, as this helps connect with our audiences without losing the core message of the organisation. Continuing to create this style of content is great for increasing the reach and spreading awareness of the organisation.
Since joining UKAEA What was the most memorable content you have worked on?
The most memorable would be the first JET/Fusion energy record that was announced in 2022. Being able to see the world wide recognition and outreach across social media was fantastic to see, including the positive reaction we got from the royal family.
Is there any exciting content can we anticipate from UKAEA in the near future?
We're looking at developing exciting new content and expanding this across as many platforms as possible. In addition, we'll be looking at introducing podcasts as a way to bring fusion energy and UKAEA to as many people as possible. There are so many incredible people working at UKAEA, and in the wider fusion energy sector, that it makes sense to make the subject matter far more accessible to the general public. UKAEA, already a leader in this area, will continue to develop and evolve its' content output in order to stay at the forefront.
Can you introduce yourself and provide an overview of your role within UKAEA?
I’m Sam Ravansari and I have been in charge of social media at UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) over the last 3 years. We use social media to communicate and engage with external audiences to raise awareness of fusion energy and to promote projects from UKAEA.
Can you discuss the importance of UKAEA’s presence online?
It is important for UKAEA to have a proactive presence on social media because the organisation does a lot more than the name suggests, and social media allows us to communicate that to the world.
What content do you always look forward to creating and sharing?
I have always enjoyed creating light hearted and humorous content, like our JET ester egg post as this helps connect with our audiences without losing the core message of the organisation. Continuing to create this style of content is great for increasing the reach and spreading awareness of the organisation.
Since joining UKAEA What was the most memorable content you have worked on?

In our interview with Sam Ravansari, our social media lead at the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), we delve into the world of social media and why it's important for the organisation.